Happy New Year dolls! I am so excited for this new year and new decade. I’m not really a resolution person as you all may already know. I have plans and I believe it’s go time. This decade I really want to enjoy my life! I realize that life has been passing me by for years and I’ve been too focused on everybody and they mama to realize that. I wasn’t working hard enough to be able to sustain myself and give myself the life I deserve. Many times I have left God on the back burner for people. I always cater to people, always pause my life for people and always consider the opinions of people. The last decade I spent most of my time figuring out what I want to do with my life, it was difficult because it required me cutting ties with some of my loved ones but it was very rewarding. I made the decision to go to therapy. Sometimes we overlook most of our childhood traumas and they always come back to haunt us and then we continue the cycle of generational curses and endless cycles of toxic behaviors. I wrote a five year plan a few months ago and that plan requires me to be the best mom to my future kids and spouse to my future hubby in doing that I would have to face my demons and confront them right now. I have a clear idea of what I want now. Anyway this post is not about me, I came here today to share some important lessons I have learned from the last decade and how you can apply them to your life today.
1. Have a Game plan/ 5 year plan/ Vision Board
It is very important to enter into the new decade knowing what you want. Even if you don’t know what you want just yet it’s important to have an idea of the life you would like to create. I recently got a planner and when I started writing down all my plans and ideas I instantly knew what my next steps were going to be. I don’t know what it is but the whole idea of writing down plans is just so amazing, it puts everything into perspective and helps you focus on your goals and what you have at hand. It’s important to be closed minded about your goals otherwise outside energies will throw you off. If you’re not a notebook person I highly recommended these apps for your phone or tablets. Five year plan: Google docs, Word, Pages, and google drive. Most of my ideas and business plans were birthed in google drive. They’re all free so use them to your advantage. Vision Board: Creative cloud, Photo grid, Canva, and Filmm.
2. Build A Relationship With God
Most times we struggle because God is not at the center of our lives. If only you knew the plan that God has for you… I know it’s hard to give up control of your life when you’ve been the captain for so long. Thinking about it then I thought I wouldn’t give that up either but just knowing that there is somebody out there that knows more about me than me was comforting. God knows you more than you! Crazy right? I mean what do you have to lose by reading your bible and praying for God to order your steps? Isn’t it better to have a sure destination than to make a ton of mistakes and end up nowhere? This gone decade I realized that God’s role in our lives is an acting mentor and compass. He is always there with you leading you but you have to be quiet and listen. Some of the mistakes I made in my life was from not listening and being the top madam in charge. I regret a lot of things I did in my past but choosing to listen to God was not one of them.
3. Walk Like You Got It!
After you’ve set those goals and prayed about them it’s time to get to work! Prayer opens doors but you need to be able to walk through those doors and secure the bag! It’s important to work smart and not hard. I learned that having a sure plan is better then working your ass off. Whatever the goal is create a pathway to get there. I believe in the law of attraction and manifestation so what you think is what you become. How you act is how people will address you. Walk like you already got it!
4. Spirituality Is Not Nonsense
The gag is foundational powers are real and they’re not here to play! Do not be deceived. I am so blessed to be attending a bible believing church that teaches me about deliverance and how to be spiritually conscious. Most of my understanding was opened through many years of being open minded and fact checking. I am so thankful for my mentor and father Prophet Austin Idahosa for constantly pouring into me. Whether it’s knowledge, prayers, or even instructions. My life has changed drastically since God brought us together. I’m the type of person to question everything, which is great because my curiosity led me to the Holy Spirit and I would say by far that’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. This topic is really deep so I won’t say too much but do a quick google search when you have the time. Also if you’re in Minnesota or anywhere near the midwest I suggest stopping by my church some time. Trust me you won’t regret it. If you’re far away we stream services regularly on facebook, youtube and our website (Rfmm.org). Grow spiritually this decade.
5. Enjoy Your Life
Live in the moment. Spend that money and travel! You will get the money back but the experience will last you a lifetime. Chase those goals but pamper yourself when needed. Live life one day at a time. Problems will come everyday but learn to be anchored in your God and not your worries. Enjoy your life.
p.s. nobody should bother me about listing my outfit details oh. It’s a new year and I can not be bothered with all this outfit wahala, at least for a few weeks since I’m still getting into the swing of things. I promise to do better once I fix my shop style page. Also before I go I would like to announce that I will be launching my brand, my baby, and the sweat of my brow: JLXBYJAEL.com in a few weeks! I have a popup shop coming up on the 25th of January! I’m excited to be doing the damn thing after everyone nagged me about starting this business. You people should come and support oh. I’m excited!
That’s all for now until next time stay fabulous!
Peace, love and happy shopping