Hey dolls!
It’s a new month and you already know what time it is! I’m so excited for black history month because this is the time of the year where I enjoy educating people on my culture and African culture as a whole. I am pleased to announce that I will be sharing a few story times and stories with you guys to kinda shed light on the African experience. I hope you’re able to learn something and me as well.
Okayyy so let’s get into why I’m really here… I have been posting way less than I usually do because I have given birth to another child! By child I mean business of course. I recently had my brand launch and pop up shop towards the end of last month. The support and love was unreal! I almost cried thug tears, like all this for me? I want to thank my Simply Jaelicious family. I got your messages, love and well wishes, it was a wawu something! I’m still on cloud nine and high off the good vibes. Thank you all so much! If you guys see me on here less it’s because I’m busy trying to be a mom to my newborn. Being an entrepreneur is not an easy thing, sleepless nights and long days but it all pays off in the end. I’m excited for this new journey and everything that comes with it! I’m also in the process of revamping this blog and making it an open forum, it’s not everyday Jael will be the only one talking… When everything is done you guys will love it! Anyway that’s all that’s happening in my life for now.
That’s all for now until next time stay fabulous!
Peace, love and happy shopping