I have been in America for close to a decade now and I have noticed a lot of different things about this society. People are not as optimistic, open-minded or grateful. I come from a culture where we believe everyday is a blessing so we wake up thanking God that we were privileged enough to see a new day.

I hate to be the Debby Downer but Americans are takers. When I first moved I was so confused on the whole “free to take” situation. When I would walk through my old neighborhood I saw chairs, televisions and pretty much anything big that is not wanted at edge of people’s lawns with signs saying “free to take”. I never understood why people would want others to have what they no longer wanted. It didn’t make sense to me because my mother always taught me: “If it’s not good for you to have then it’s not good for somebody to have.” As I got older I realized that free to take is basically the American culture. When I learned history I saw that they took lands from the Native Americans because they were free to take. They took away the right of Blacks because they were free to take, they took Africans from Africa because they were free to take. And presently they’re trying to take the rights of immigrants because they believe they’re free to take. Americans feel entitled to everything and that’s what the problem is.

They’re too busy giving the world what they don’t want to see that what they do want is slowing slipping out of their fingers. Jobs are no longer free to take, degrees are required almost everywhere and if half of the population don’t want the shitty jobs and those who are willing to work the shitty jobs are being persecuted for them then what are we to do? How is the country to move forward when they’re constantly rewarding laziness, hard-working folks pay taxes for those who choose not to work. It’s frustrating to go to the grocery store and quickly identify who has food stamps and who doesn’t. Why is it normal to work like an elephant but eat like ants? As a nation we have to do better.  Not only are we going down a dangerous path but we’re going down a road that likely can not be reversed. The America you see today was built on the backs of slaves and Native Americans that were robbed from their properties. It’s sad that everyday you turn on the news there’s something new to make you doubt the progression of the country. Gun control laws are never going to be passed because like I said before Americans feel entitled.  I hope we’re able to move past these dark times and look beyond.

That’s all for now, until next time stay fabu-lous!

Peace, love and happy shopping