Hey Dolls,
How are you doing? It’s been a crazy month and a half. I managed to launch my spring and summer collections and now I’m working on my fall collection. Blogging does not come as easy to me anymore. I was just thinking the other day how much fun I had when things were much simpler, I think the problem is that I no longer enjoy writing these posts. Whenever I’m in the mood to write I find myself writing poetry or doing spoken word. My first response is never blogging which is very weird. It’s almost like I’m allowing a part of me to die easily…
My question here now is when do you dolls think is the right time to say goodbye? I’ve been thinking about this for a little bit now and I’m yet to find an answer but when do you say goodbye to something dear to you? I guess my problem is I think that all of you won’t think I am grateful for the opportunities SJ has opened up for me. I keep thinking that I have to hold on because in a way this is my “roots”. I have outgrown many things and people in my life, I’m just scared that Simply Jaelicious could be one of them. Pray for me dolls…