My new born baby is here! She is the most beautiful yet stubborn thing I have created. She is the beginning of many great things for me, I know it! I want to say a huge thank you to everyone that supported me, comforted me and loved on me. I went through hell and back to make this brand what is today. Worked tirelessly ( Still working, sigh..). God is the realest in my squad and I’m so grateful for that bad boy. Creating a fashion Brand is a lot of work! From sourcing fabrics, to finding vendors and managing stocks to building websites to creative directing photo shoots and sometimes even modeling and don’t get me started on creating marketing strategies. I’m exhausted but fulfilled.
I have tremendous respect for the entrepreneurs that have been doing this thing for years… its not easy. On Jan 25th I had my first vendor event. That was the official launch of my brand. Everything was beautiful and things went way better than I imagined. To be fair I have very low standards so I don’t get disappointed, we’re talking about it in therapy so don’t worry lol. I had so many people show up and show me genuine love and support. By the end of the day I concluded that I would go back the next day because people were blowing my phone up! Day two was equally as amazing if not better to say the least, my customers were so happy and I genuinely loved talking to them and vibing. It was in that moment I had my “This is it!” moment. I concluded this is my calling! I am meant to do this business thing and kick ass. A few weeks later my online store launched and of course my stress level increased because I had a new lounge wear collection and was offering ready to wear and made to order materials.
Everything is on track. We’re getting ready to launch JLX Cosmetics. Whew chille don’t let me get started in how hard formulating that mug was. I ain’t no scholar and I definitely passed chemistry with a low C and failed Organic chemistry with the biggest D of my life so you know I struggled. But through all that struggling the formula came out amazing and flawless. I couldn’t be happier with the results. I’m to introduce you all to the baby that has taken over my life. She is my pride and joy. JLX BY JAEL