For somebody that’s suppose to be giving you free therapy I don’t have my shit all the way together but this is not about me. Let’s pretend today is Tuesday and proceed. Welcome to your first ever therapy session with Jael. Here we are going to drag you, make you uncomfortable and encourage to live your best liffeee.
Today we’re going to be talking about self care and your toxic entitlement traits. In this season we’re going to unlearn everything we learned from our childhood because let’s face the fact that some lessons from our childhood has messed up our mentality in adulthood. Do you hear me?!? Most of us grew up thinking that the world owe us something; respect, love, appreciation, proper education, dream jobs and so on. What if I told you that nobody in this world owes you anything? Not a single living soul, not your parents, spouse, children or even God.
Your happiness is solely dependent on you and your mindset. Your mindset has a lot to do with who are now and who you will become. Most of us grew up expecting much from the world only to be disappointed when they didn’t deliver. Too much expectations! Your thoughts translates to feeling and for some your feelings translate to actions. Below I have listed five ways to know if you’re entitled or have an entitled mindset.
- You are always complaining!
If you have been labeled as a complainer by your friends and family then it’s time to drag yourself. If you complain about any and everything and you feel like things should be done a certain way then you think the world owes you something.
2. You constantly want people to do things for you.
The sad truth is the world does not revolve around you. People will not always have time to do things for you and that’s the truth you have to tell yourself.
3. You need somebody to be happy.
Happiness is a mindset. You can have all the riches in the world, all the family, friends and loved ones and you will still be unhappy. If you can not make yourself happy nobody can. Don’t make that somebody’s job because nobody can do it sis.
4. “He/she is suppose to be my friend, partner or business colleague”
YOU CAN NOT OWN SOMEBODY! Did the people in the back get that?… no? Ok. YOU CAN NOT OWN SOMEBODY! A Human beings can not belong to another human being. The sooner we learn that the stronger society will be. Take care of you and focus on you because at the end of the day people will do what they want to do regardless of what you say.
5. “That’s just how I am”
Nobody can talk to you or check you because that’s who you are. WHO ARE YOU?!? Why do you feel like everyone has to be accepting of you? This is for me as well. I’m dragging myself too! This needs to stop. It’s nobody’s business who you are. If your toxic behavior is brought to your attention, evaluate how it’s damaging your loved ones lives and adjust. Period!
If one or all of these points scream your name then it’s time to change. It’s not easy but it achievable. Start by cleansing your mind of everything you previously learned before today about entitlements. Understand that the world does not owe you anything and that every human being in your life is there for a purpose and a lesson not to serve you. Life keeps moving no matter what you think so don’t let your existence be dependent on another human being because at the end of the day humans will fail you. Live with tomorrow in mind. Always be ready to forgive people even before they hurt you that way you leave more room to enjoy the people in your life. Keynote: The world does not owe you anything!
That’s all for now until next time stay fabulous!
Peace, love and happy shopping